Why choose Premier Wills for wills online?
Premier Wills is –
Simple, quick and easy to use.
Honest and transparent, with no hidden costs.
Safe and secure, run by experienced practising lawyers.
Innovative and responsive – we use the latest technology.
We create exceptional quality professional wills!

Why should you do wills online?
If you have a will, you’ll be able to – choose exactly what happens to all of your assets. Nothing will be left to chance… select your own trusted executors… leave assets to your partner, even if you’re not married… appoint guardians to take care of your children.
If you have a will, you’ll be able to – specify the age that younger children or grandchildren will receive their inheritance… make sure your pets are taken care of… limit the amount of inheritance tax that you need to pay… limit the possibilities of family tensions and disputes.
Some tips to help you make your online will – Sign your will correctly. It should be signed in front of two independent witnesses… Update your will regularly. When major life incidents occur, to ensure your will is valid, it needs to be updated… Let people know where it’s stored. Keep your will in a safe place and make sure your executors know where to find it.
Here’s why you should get on with writing your will
If you have a will, you'll be able to - choose exactly what happens to all of your assets. Nothing will be left to chance. select your own trusted executors. leave assets to your partner, even if you're not married. appoint guardians to take care of your children....
Why you should do the smart thing
Where there’s a will, there’s a way
Recent research suggests that only around a third of people have a will. Alarmingly, that means that around 40 million people living in the UK don't currently have one. Of these people surveyed, around 30% of parents still don't have a will, and approximately a...
Member of The Society of Will Writers
We’re aware a member of The Society of Will Writers – Safe to do business with and code compliant.