Choose your executors. It’s best to choose more than one executor. Most people select immediate relatives or close long term friends.

Appoint guardians. If you have children under the age of 18, your will should include details of people who will be appointed guardians.

Consider appointing a trustee. If your beneficiaries are under 18, a trustee will be required to help carry out your wishes.

Leave specific instructions. Make sure your treasured belongings and sentimental items go where you want them to.

Think about your pets. Ensure your pets are provided for and taken care of.

Leave a gift to charity. Consider leaving a donation to a charity that means something special to you.

Consider funeral plans. Your will can outline the choices you’ve made around how.

Sign your will correctly. It should be signed in front of two independent witnesses.

Update your will regularly. When major life incidents occur, to ensure your will is valid, it needs to be updated.

Let people know where it’s stored. Keep your will in a safe place and make sure your executors know where to find it.