Looking to make a will online?

Welcome to Premier Wills, the easiest way make a will online.

Looking to make a will online? Safe and secure using the latest technology. Created by experienced practising lawyers.
Make A Will Online the price

Why choose Premier Wills to make a will online?

Premier Wills is –

Simple, quick and easy to use.

Honest and transparent, with no hidden costs.

Safe and secure, run by experienced practising lawyers.

Innovative and responsive – we use the latest technology.

We create exceptional quality professional wills!

Why should you make a will online?

Recent research suggests that only around a third of people have a will. Alarmingly, that means that around 40 million people living in the UK don’t currently have one.

Of these people surveyed, around 30% of parents still don’t have a will, and approximately a quarter of the population in the UK admit to having not even thought about writing a will.

The main reason for people not having a will is usually because they think they are too poor to need one. However, every year the treasury earns billions £ from both inheritance tax as well as from people who die intestate.

The main reason for people not having a will is usually because they think they are too poor to need one. However, every year the treasury earns billions £ from both inheritance tax as well as from people who die intestate.

Other common reasons for not having a will are; because the person feels that they are unlikely to die soon, they don’t feel comfortable discussing death with a stranger, they’re worried about the number of decisions that they’ll need to make, and they generally don’t know where to start.

Research also suggests that men are slightly more likely than women to have a will and only around 1 in 10 people have told anyone where their will is kept.

Read more in ‘Where there’s a will, there’s a way’.


Member of The Society of Will Writers

We’re aware a member of The Society of Will Writers – Safe to do business with and code compliant.

The easiest way to write your will. Do the smart thing…

Safe and secure using the latest technology. Created by experienced practising lawyers.

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